Big Bass Classifieds: presents;
The Worlds Oldest Bass Fishing Tournament
The Texas State Bass Tournament is, the Worlds Oldest Bass Fishing Tournament.
The year was 1955. Earl Golding, Outdoors Editor for the Waco Tribune-Herald, organized the very first bass fishing tournament; the Texas State Bass Tournament. No big prizes were offered, just the honor of being recognized as one of the State's top anglers, plus the opportunity to see and make friends from all parts of the Great State of Texas. Part competition, part reunion, this event offers various competitive divisions that encourage family and youth participation. Participants range from anglers attending their first bass tournament to seasoned veterans. For many, if they only attend one tournament event a year, this is the one! -Texas State Bass Tournament website
Jump forward now, to the 2008 Texas State Bass Tournament. It's Lake Sam Rayburn. One of the finest Big Bass fishing lakes in Texas -which, of course, makes it one of the finest Big Bass Fishing lakes in the world- Lake Sam Rayburn for the 2008 Texas State Bass Tournament was blasted by 900 mile per hour winds and a cool front, that turned down right COLD!
Never to mind however as "this",
is the Texas State Bass Tournament! A tournament where first prize is NOT a $100,000.00 Bass Boat. NOT, a $50,000.00 Bass Boat. And NOT even a two dollar rod and reel. No sir-ree folks! None of that Big City, High flunten, Vanity Ridden, $1,000,000 First Prize hullabaloo fer the winner of this tournament. Nope, all yer gonna get in this tournament, is recognition, and a plaque.
Ah, but the recognition! Now that's something to consider.
Hmmm? "My name", in Lights!
Well, in front of some of the Biggest Bass Organizations
and Manufactures in the world, that's all.
But isn't that enough?
Well it was for us. And when we pulled up to the boat ramp, we could see White Caps, as far as the eye could see. It was clear "Blue Bird" skies though. And as the wind had already blown away all the "Wind Warning Flags", it was Perfect.
How was it perfect you ask? Because, it was me and my Dad. That's why it was perfect. And he even let me back the boat down into the water. Unfortunately, as the wind was blowing, the waves were beaten the dog out of the boat ramp. That, plus I kinda backed the boat into the water a little Too fast and Dad, was covered up by the biggest wave I have ever seen. (Oppps!)
Naturally Dad pretended it was no big deal, and even "waved" me on to park the truck. I did and as I headed back down to the pier I could see him wringing his shirt out over the side of the boat. I really felt bad but when I got to the pier he was all smiles and even Laughing. "I got Wet!" he said. I told him I was sorry but he said, "Don't worry about it! That's just part of having fun. By the way, did you get the number of that wave that got me?" We both laughed and needless to say, the rest of the day was great. We didn't make weigh-in however. But that didn't matter. Because I got the Best Dad in the Whole World.
In the Texas State Bass Tournament, there are 6 divisions. Here are the Top (3) Three Tournament Winners for each division. (and no, you will not see my name among them. until Next year that is.)
Adult/Boy (which use to be called Father/Son but they changed it. I don't know why but I gotta tell you, I Don't like being called "BOY!" At least not in that context as it almost sounds like... well, ...never mind.)
First Place: John Barns (Dallas, TX) & William Barns (Dallas, TX) 17fish 42.03lb
Second Place: Donald Stringer (Huntington, TX) & Ashton Johnson (Huntington, Tx) 18fish 39.44lb
Third Place: Mark Eberlan (Lufkin, TX) & Kolton Eberlan (Lufkin, TX) 16fish 38.91lb
First Place: Troy Reed (Douglass, TX) & Shelby Reed (Douglass, TX) 17fish 34.57lb
Second Place: Jay Hakala (San Antonio, TX) & Mary Hakala (San Antonio, TX) 7fish 11.96lb
Third Place: Mark Wych (Huntington, TX) & Natalie Wych (Huntington, TX) 5fish 8.30lb
First Place: William Polster (Riesel, TX) & Anna Polster (Riesel, TX) 16 fish 35.18 lb
Second Place: James Chumley (Huntington, TX) & Mandy Chumley (Huntington, TX) 16 fish 34.95 lb
Third Place: Ray R. Murski (Meridian, TX) & Amanda Murski (Meridian, TX) 15 fish 31.87 lb
First Place: Mike Murski (Dallas, TX) 10 fish 26.15 lb
Second Place: Johnny McKee (Woodville, TX) 10 fish 22.03 lb
Third Place: Gerald Holub (Crosby, TX) 9 fish 20.78 lb
Senior Team
First Place: Jim Saxton (Houston, TX) & Joe Harris (Huntington, TX) 16 fish 31.75 lb
Second Place: Bill Boyd (Bedford, TX) & Hoyt Fincher (Ft. Worth, TX) 15 fish 25.50 lb
Third Place: Glen Hamilton (Jacksonville, TX) & John Long (Jacksonville, TX) 7 fish 18.13 lb
First Place: Danny Reaves (Shelbyville, TX) & Rollie Reaves (Decature, TX) 19 fish 40.57 lb
Second Place: Billy Keener (Winnsboro, TX) & Darren Keener (Mayflower, AR) 18 fish 39.30 lb
Third Place: Barry Stegall (Portland, TX) & Roy Grammer (Longview, TX) 19 fish 37.41 lb
All fish were caught and released, and you can get the Complete 2008 Texas State Bass Tournament Results in PDF format by clicking "HERE!"
For more information on the Texas State Bass Tournament, check out the official website "Here".
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